Bikeability level 1

Our afternoon on the bikes with the road safety instructors
On Tuesday afternoon, myself, Liam and Gavin did our first Bikeability session with David and Joy, from the Oxfordshire road safety team. They are going to be our instructors for the course. We went over Bike Safety, the things to do before you get going on the bike, and we went over gear requirements you will need on a bike ride. We also went over the checks, which David called the M check, where we checked the different components on the bike to see if they were working properly before we went on a ride. After the checks were done, we went on a ride around the playground and the track, slowly practising bike handling skills such as moving slowly and how to let people know which way you are going. We all passed level 1 and are looking forward to Level 2 next week when we get to cycle in the community and practise being safe on our bikes.
Thank you for reading
Written by Charlie and Liam.